RAINBOW MARKET's GOAL is to provide a secure, fast and anonymous marketplace for the deepweb.
We focus especially on the users security and safty so you can get your products & services RISK FREE .

RAINBOW MARKET uses a 2-3 Multisig escrow system. A transaction will only be enabled, if at least 2 out of 3 parties sign it. This makes an Exitscam by the vendor or RAINBOW MARKET practically impossible.
Unlike other markets, RAINBOW MARKET is not based on a credit system. This system provides significant benefits for our users.

When a user wants to trade, he does not have to deposit funds into his account first and wait for confirmations until he can buy a product from a vendor.
This means you can purchase any product directly from a vendor of your choice and are also able to pay the order instantly.
This also helps to compensate any changes in the Bitcoin price.

In addition, RAINBOW MARKET is not in possession of your bitcoins - another important aspect for your security.

If you have any questions or criticism please contact us at [email protected]

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